Dr. Tahereh Naderi is a board certified physician in both family medicine and integrative medicine. She also practices medical acupuncture in the treatment of chronic and acute pain disorders, mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, insomnia and substance use disorders like tobacco and alcohol. She was born in Benin, West Africa and moved to the United States when she was 11 years old. She completed her undergraduate studies at University at Buffalo in NY. She lived in Ecuador for 2 years, working in various community building activities with children and youth. She also worked as a medical assistant prior to attending medical school at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She completed her residency training in 2020 in Santa Rosa, California . She remained there to undertake a 1 year fellowship in Integrative Medicine focusing on Functional Medicine and Acupuncture. She believes that optimizing the 5 pillars of health (nutrition, stress, sleep, movement and emotional/spiritual health) can truly prevent and manage chronic illness.
In her free time, she enjoys cooking, hiking through the woods, traveling and spending time with her family. She speaks Spanish fluently and has basic knowledge of French and Farsi.
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