Art Of Healing - Acupuncture NeedlesArt of Healing uses Dry Needling as an effective and efficient treatment of muscular pain and myofascial dysfunction. Dry Needling, or intramuscular stimulation (IMS), relaxes overactive muscles which contain trigger points. Our Healers insert needles into the trigger points to help you get the long-term pain relief and increased quality of life that you deserve. Dry Needling requires the technical skills of a highly trained acupuncturist who works with needle insertion and trigger points on a constant basis. Come see why many professional sports figures bypass their teams’ physical therapist option to experience our Dry Needling service.

Dry Needling has become very popular to treat acute muscular tension and spasm which commonly accompanies conditions such as arthritis, nerve irritation, muscular strain, ligament strains, and herniated discs.

What is the difference between Acupuncture and Dry Needle?​

The primary goal of dry needling is to target supersensitive structures in the body, to restore motion and function, and to induce a healing response to the tissue. It is different from Acupuncture because it treats the neuromuscular systems based on musculoskeletal and pain patterns. Dry needle has recently become very popular and the desired treatment for experienced practitioners because it provides quick and tangible results when complemented with movement therapy and other manual manipulations of the body.


“I’m a recovering athlete who has been searching all over Atlanta for a place that can help me repair my body. I had gone to much different acupuncture (dry needle) and massage therapy locations but this has been by far the best. Everyone who works at AOH is so amazing and knowledgeable and they are truly experts in their craft. I have never received such an amazing session with dry needling and massage that truly balance each other out. I would highly suggest coming into the Art of Healing for any type of recovery or healing that you need!”

Dry Needling can help with:
Headache/ Migraine
Knee/ Elbow/ Shoulder Pain
Lumbar/ Cervical Pain
Myofascial Pain
Running/Athletic Injuries

30 Minutes $75

60 Minutes $150

90 Minutes $225