Emotions are the gateway to your soul
Nobody teaches us how to allow or feel emotions healthily, yet emotions are the gateway to profound healing and allowing you to connect with your soul
So many of us are taught at a young age that expressing emotions, especially those that our parents refer to as negative is definitely not in order.
So from a very young age, we are taught to stuff down those emotions and put them aside and pretend that they’re not happening. There are many ways that we all stuff down emotions, food, drugs, alcohol, inappropriate sexual behavior, obsessive behavior, anything not to feel the pain and numb ourselves out.
What resonated with me so deeply when I trained to be a Journey Practitioner over 25 years ago is that your emotions truly are the gateway to your soul.
The only way to heal is to dive right into the heart of all of your emotions, feel them fully let them have their way with you, and sit in the pain, sadness, anger, or frustration like you’re being swept up in a turbulent ocean. Once you’ve been dumped one time too many in the ocean, and you are done with that emotion, the most profound healing takes place.
Working with a therapist who really understands this process is life-changing, healing literally takes place in second seconds in the emotional, spiritual, or physical realm.
I am forever grateful for this profound work, which has enabled me to clear out my very turbulent childhood and have my own private practice today.
By becoming immersed in this work, you learn how to gently and lovingly, accept those emotions, give them a voice, and move forward in your own healing journey.
In Love and Light,
Rolene Anante Jaffe
Multi-Dimensional Therapist
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